For GOD so loved YOU, He gave his only begotten Son.

73 Argo Park Drive
Trussville, AL 35173
Website- www.gibmovement.com
Facebook- godisbiggermovement
Email- gibmovement.email@gmail.com
Tax ID #47-2145797
The GOD IS BIGGER MOVEMENT is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization created to offer hope and prayer to a broken world. We give and offer for a donation GOD IS BIGGER MOVEMENT bracelets and merchandise to spread hope & love of Jesus Christ. We also offer some assistance to cancer patients and others with life-threatening illnesses and serve various needs of our community, local and abroad. The ministry is based on Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible”. We all need to know that when life gets big, GOD IS BIGGER.
THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE FACE THAT IS BIGGER THAN GOD IS!! Our GOD IS BIGGER bracelets are not just a bracelet that we wear, but IT'S WHO HE IS!!
The GOD IS BIGGER MOVEMENT began in 2011 when the founder Rachel Shaneyfelt was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare, asbestos-related cancer and was given only nine months to live. She was in nurse practitioner school when she was given this death sentence, but decided to get her degree anyway and that she did. While working as a nurse practitioner, she was scheduled for a lung biopsy, but they would not do the biopsy, because the lesion had shrunk 70%. She later told a doctor, “You’re not going to believe this, but my lesion has shrunk 70%. Praise God!” The doctor, who was an atheist, said, “That’s great, get yourself a tshirt.” So that is what she did. She bought and gifted 130 God Is Bigger t-shirts to nurses and staff. In order to continue to spread the Word, Rachel purchased 1,000 God is Bigger silicone bracelets, designed to draw attention to the solution, NOT the problem. Rachel challenged her small group to take them and give them away to total strangers. In one week, the bracelets were gone. Within months, the demand for bracelets went global. In 2014, because she was not able to continue paying for the demand of bracelets, she started distributing GIB apparel for a donation.
Additionally, The God is Bigger Movement has an annual Fundraiser for the sole purpose to raise money to continue the movement. To date, with the proceeds from GIB merchandise and our annual Fundraiser, the God is Bigger Movement has distributed over 875,000 bracelets worldwide.
Although merchandise is available for a donation, the movement gives a large portion of their inventory to missionaries in and out of the country, charities, flood & fire victims, the homeless, victims of mass shootings, outreach ministries, refuge centers, victims of human trafficking or anyone who has had a loss. The God is Bigger Movement provides a banner of hope for those who are hurting or lost. Wherever we see the need, we go and give. There are countless stories of how these bracelets have changed lives during their time of need. Whether the need is for healing, your marriage, a job, grief, addiction or depression, God will meet our needs.
On August 26, 2017, Rachel Shaneyfelt went home to be with her Savior, Jesus Christ. Rachel was a strong, courageous woman, and a huge inspiration to so many. She will forever be missed. It was Rachel’s wish that the God Is Bigger Movement continue. Her family and friends will continue the God is Bigger Movement in her honor to bring Glory to God. Any donations received will be used to purchase bracelets for distribution worldwide.
We thank you for your continued support of the God Is Bigger Movement.